Silhouette patterns helpful guides & tips

Below you will find resources that are free for you to use!  Each link will lead you to a printable PDF file for your keeping and reuse!  If you have any questions, please contact us!  

Silhouette workshops available

You deserve beautiful fitting clothes. Boost your confidence and assure your success with these in-depth seminars. Afterwards, dig into your stash and produce a wardrobe like you've always dreamed of having. 

 In the three-day workshops, you will work on completing any garments of your choice and have the fitted muslins for the garments that you choose. You may fit other muslins as well and choose to sew the fashion fabric at home later. 

In the one-day or two-day workshops, you will choose the projects you want to work on and have the freedom to design this workshop to your unique needs. The goal is to help you take your sewing to the next level, whatever that means to you, as everyone will be working on different projects. 

In all workshops, Silhouette Patterns must be used. All the workshops, except Spiffy 1 & 2, below are limited in size to 10 total students! See the previous column for instructions for making up your muslin. You must make up a muslin prior to class and bring that muslin to class. 

Click here to view our upcoming Level 1 and Level 2 Instructional Classes!

 Workshop fees are Non-Refundable under any circumstance!

Sewing Instruction